options: DefaultSudoEntitlementsClientOptionsRecord consumption of a set of boolean entitlements.
This is to support services that want a record of usage recorded but have no service side enforcement point.
Boolean entitlement names to record consumption of
InsufficientEntitlementsError User is not entitled to one or more of the boolean entitlements. Check entitlements and that redeemEntitlements has been called for the user.
Return any entitlements for the currently logged in user or null if none.
This will return undefined for any of the conditions that return Sudos for the redeemEntitlements API.
Currently active entitlements set as an [[EntitlementsSet
]], if any, for the logged in user.
Return entitlements consumption information for the user.
]]: Current entitlements and consumption for the logged in user.
Redeem entitlements for the currently logged in user.
If the user has already redeemed entitlements then the user's current entitlements as determined by the original redemption and any subsequent administrative modifications rather than entitlements corresponding to the user's current identity token claims are returned.
Redeemed or currently active entitlements set for the logged in user.
Client responsible for establishing entitlements of federated identities.