Package-level declarations


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class BlobCache(containerUri: Uri, idGenerator: IdGenerator = DefaultIdGenerator())

Simple blob cache implementation that uses the file store.

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data class Claim(val name: String, val visibility: Claim.Visibility, val value: Claim.Value) : Serializable

Represents a claim or identity attribute associated with a Sudo.

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interface CryptoProvider

Provides utility functions for cryptographic operations.

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class DefaultCryptoProvider(keyNamespace: String, databaseName: String, context: Context) : CryptoProvider

Default CryptoProvider implementation.

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Default ID generator implementation.

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Default logger.

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class DefaultS3Client(context: Context, sudoUserClient: SudoUserClient, val region: String, val bucket: String, logger: Logger = DefaultLogger.instance, idGenerator: IdGenerator = DefaultIdGenerator()) : S3Client

Default S3 client implementation.

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class DefaultSudoProfilesClient(context: Context, sudoUserClient: SudoUserClient, blobContainerURI: Uri, logger: Logger = DefaultLogger.instance, config: JSONObject? = null, maxSudos: Int = 10, graphQLClient: GraphQLClient? = null, s3Client: S3Client? = null, idGenerator: IdGenerator = DefaultIdGenerator(), cryptoProvider: CryptoProvider? = null, namespace: String = DEFAULT_KEY_NAMESPACE, databaseName: String = AndroidSQLiteStore.DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME) : SudoProfilesClient

Default implementation of SudoProfilesClient interface.

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data class EncryptionKey(val id: String, val namespace: String, val key: String, val algorithm: String, val version: Int) : Serializable

Exported encryption key.

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data class Entitlement(val name: String, val value: Int) : Serializable

Represents an entitlement related to using Sudo service APIs. Currently only entitlement that's used in Sudo service is "sudoplatform.sudo.max" to represent the maximum number of Sudos each user is allowed to provision.

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interface IdGenerator

Interface for generating universally unique identifiers (UUIDs).

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Options for controlling the behaviour of listSudos API.

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interface S3Client

S3 client wrapper protocol mainly used for providing an abstraction layer on top of AWS S3 SDK.

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data class Sudo(var id: String? = null, var version: Int = 1, var createdAt: Date = Date(0), var updatedAt: Date = Date(0), var claims: MutableMap<String, Claim> = mutableMapOf(), var metadata: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf()) : Serializable

Represents a Sudo.

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Interface encapsulating a library of functions for calling Sudo service and managing Sudos.

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interface SudoSubscriber

Subscriber for receiving notifications about new, updated or deleted Sudo.

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Supported symmetric key algorithms.