
The following enumerations are available globally.

  • List of possible errors thrown by AuthenticationInfo implementation.

    • fatalError: Indicates that a fatal error occurred. This could be due to coding error, out-of-memory condition or other conditions that is beyond control of AuthenticationInfo implementation.



    public enum AuthenticationInfoError : Error
  • List of possible errors thrown by SudoUserClient implementation.

    • alreadyRegistered: Thrown when attempting to register but the client is already registered.
    • registerOperationAlreadyInProgress: Thrown when duplicate register calls are made.
    • refreshTokensOperationAlreadyInProgress: Thrown when duplicate refreshTokens calls are made.
    • signInOperationAlreadyInProgress: Thrown when duplicate signIn calls are made.
    • notRegistered: Indicates the client has not been registered to the Sudo platform backend.
    • notSignedIn: Indicates the API being called requires the client to sign in.
    • keyNotFound: Required key was not found.
    • invalidConfig: Indicates the configuration dictionary passed to initialize the client was not valid.
    • identityServiceConfigNotFound: Indicates the configuration related to Identity Service is not found. This may indicate that Identity Service is not deployed into your runtime instance or the config file that you are using is invalid..
    • authTokenMissing: Thrown when required authentication tokens were not return by identity service.
    • notAuthorized: Indicates the authentication failed. Likely due to incorrect private key, the identity being removed from the backend or significant clock skew between the client and the backend.
    • invalidInput: Indicates the input to the API was invalid.
    • signInCanceled: Indicates the sign in has been canceled by the user.
    • identityNotConfirmed: Indicates that the identity is not confirmed hence cannot sign in yet.
    • serviceError: Indicates that an internal server error occurred. Retrying at a later time may succeed.
    • requestError: Indicates that there was an error in sending a request to Identity Service due to network or availability issues.
    • graphQLError: Indicates that an unexpected GraphQL error was returned by identity service.
    • fatalError: Indicates that a fatal error occurred. This could be due to coding error, out-of-memory condition or other conditions that is beyond control of SudoUserClient implementation.



    public enum SudoUserClientError : Error
  • List of possible errors thrown by GraphQLAuthProvider.

    • notSignedIn: Indicates the client is not signed-in so cannot provide authentication token to the authentication provider.
    • notAuthorized: Indicates the client is not authorized to obtain a valid ID token. This could be due to the refresh token being revoked or expired.
    • refreshTokensOperationAlreadyInProgress: Indicates the client attempted to refresh the tokens while there’s already one in progress.
    • fatalError: Indicates that a fatal error occurred. This could be due to coding error, out-of-memory condition or other conditions that is beyond control of GraphQLAuthProvider implementation.



    public enum GraphQLAuthProviderError : Error
  • List of possible errors thrown by JWT.

    • failedToEncode: Thrown when encapsulated attributes cannot be encoded to JWT.
    • failedToDecode: Thrown when JWT cannot be decoded.



    public enum JWTError : Error
  • List of possible errors thrown by LocalAuthenticationProvider.

    • invalidKey: Invalid signing key was provided.



    public enum LocalAuthenticationProviderError : Error, Hashable
  • List of valid challenge types.



    public enum ChallengeType : String
  • List of possible errors thrown by SerializableObject implementation.

    • serializationError: Indicates that the object serialization failed. This could be due to the object containing properties that cannot be serialized into a specific format or from attempting to load the version of serialized object data that’s incompatible with the current version of the object’s implementation.
    • fatalError: Indicates that a fatal error occurred. This could be due to coding error, out-of-memory condition or other conditions that is beyond control of SerializableObject implementation.



    public enum SerializableObjectError : Error
  • List of possible values for sign in status.

    • signingIn: sign in or token refresh is currently in progress.
    • signedIn: sign in completed
    • notSignedIn: sign in failed due to an error.



    public enum SignInStatus
  • List of possible errors thrown by TESTAuthenticationProvider.

    • invalidKey: Invalid signing key was provided.



    public enum TESTAuthenticationProviderError : Error, Hashable