Provisional Virtual Card. Transitive state while card is being provisioned.

See VirtualCard for more.

interface ProvisionalVirtualCard {
    card: undefined | VirtualCard;
    clientRefId: string;
    createdAt: Date;
    id: string;
    owner: string;
    provisioningState: ProvisioningState;
    updatedAt: Date;
    version: number;


card: undefined | VirtualCard

1 to many copies of the sealed card per key.

clientRefId: string

Client Reference Identifier.

createdAt: Date

Date of when the provisional card was created.

id: string

Identifier of the provisional card.

owner: string

Owner Identifier of the provisional card.

provisioningState: ProvisioningState

State of the provisional card.

updatedAt: Date

Date of when the provisional card was last updated.

version: number

Current version record of the provisional card.