Input for SudoVirtualCardsClient.updateVirtualCard.

To leave a property unchanged, leave it undefined. To remove a property, set it to null. To update a property, set it to the new value.

interface UpdateVirtualCardInput {
    alias?: null | string;
    billingAddress?: null | BillingAddress;
    cardHolder?: string;
    expectedCardVersion?: number;
    id: string;
    metadata?: null | Metadata;


alias?: null | string


Use an alias property in metadata instead

billingAddress?: null | BillingAddress

Updated billing address. To remove, set to undefined.

cardHolder?: string

Updated card holder. Leave as existing to remain unchanged.

expectedCardVersion?: number

Version of card to update. If specified, version must match existing version of card.

id: string

Identifier of the card to update.

metadata?: null | Metadata

Client side sealed arbitrary metadata object