Interface encapsulating a library for interacting with the Sudo Ad Tracker Blocker service.
Builder used to construct the SudoAdTrackerBlockerClient.
Adds an entry to the set of exceptions. This method does not return until the new exceptions have been compiled and the filtering engine is ready.
Delete all cached data and clear the active Rulesets.
Returns the active Rulesets.
Gets the set of blocking exceptions that prevent URLs from being blocked. These are the URLs that are to be allowed even if the active rulesets say they should be blocked.
List the available Rulesets from the service.
Removes all the entries from the set of exceptions. This method does not return until the new exceptions have been compiled and the filtering engine is ready.
Removes an entry from the set of exceptions. This method does not return until the new exceptions have been compiled and the filtering engine is ready.
Sets which Rulesets are active. This method does not return until the new rules have been compiled and the filtering engine is ready. updateRulesets must be called to update the local copy of the Rulesets before this method is called for the very first time.
Request the Rulesets are updated from the service. This method must be called to update the local copy of the Rulesets before any Rulesets are made active by a call to setActiveRulesets.