abstract suspend fun setActiveRulesets(activeRuleset: Ruleset.Type, vararg moreActiveRulesets: Ruleset.Type = emptyArray())
Sets which Rulesets are active. This method does not return until the new rules have been compiled and the filtering engine is ready. updateRulesets must be called to update the local copy of the Rulesets before this method is called for the very first time.
The Ruleset that should become active.
The other Rulesets that should become active.
com.sudoplatform.sudoadtrackerblocker.samples.Samples.setActiveRulesetsSets which Rulesets are active. This method does not return until the new rules have been compiled and the filtering engine is ready. updateRulesets must be called to update the local copy of the Rulesets before this method is called for the very first time.