
Sudo Email JS SDK

Project Setup

Cloning this repo

To clone this repo along with the submodule linkage execute this command:


Getting the latest

git pull

Installing Dependencies

yarn install

Build Solution

yarn build

Setup integration tests

Visit the Email section of the Sudo Platform Developer Docs for SDK integration instructions.

You will also need to download the api key secret from the AWS AppSync/API/Settings page of the admin interface referenced in config/sudoplatformconfig.json and put it in config/admin_api_key.secret in order to run the integration tests.

Running Unit and Integration tests

yarn test

Release Procedure

Publish Internal

For new releases that contain new functionality we should publish internally first before publishing to Github.

To publish a new version of Sudo Email JS SDK for internal consumption:

  • Create a new tag from master branch with the following naming /alpha$/

Publish External

For new releases that contain bug fixes or that have been through a publish internal procedure and have been signed off.

To publish a new version of Sudo Email JS SDK to Github for external consumption:

  • Create a new tag from master with the release version. ie 1.0.0