The Sudo Platform SDK representation of an email folder.


interface EmailFolder {
    createdAt: Date;
    customFolderName?: string;
    emailAddressId: string;
    folderName: string;
    id: string;
    owner: string;
    owners: Owner[];
    size: number;
    ttl?: number;
    unseenCount: number;
    updatedAt: Date;
    version: number;


createdAt: Date

Date when the email folder was created.

customFolderName?: string

Custom name assigned to the email folder. This is not populated for standard folders.

emailAddressId: string

Identifier of the email address associated with the email folder.

folderName: string

Name assigned to the email folder for standard folders (i.e. INBOX, SENT, TRASH, OUTBOX).

id: string

Unique identifier of the email folder.

owner: string

Identifier of the user that owns the email folder.

owners: Owner[]

List of identifiers of user/accounts associated with this email folder.

size: number

The total size of all email messages assigned to the email folder.

ttl?: number

An optional TTL signifying when email messages are deleted from the email folder.

unseenCount: number

The total count of unseen email messages assigned to the email folder.

updatedAt: Date

Date when the email folder was last updated.

version: number