get Ownership Proof
Retrieves a signed ownership proof for the specified owner. The ownership proof JWT has the following payload. { "jti": "DBEEF4EB-F84A-4AB7-A45E-02B05B93F5A3", "owner": "cd73a478-23bd-4c70-8c2b-1403e2085845", "iss": "sudoplatform.sudoservice", "aud": "sudoplatform.virtualcardservice", "exp": 1578986266, "sub": "da17f346-cf49-4db4-98c2-862f85515fc4", "iat": 1578982666 }
"owner" is an unique ID of an identity managed by the issuing serivce. In case of Sudo service this represents unique reference to a Sudo. "sub" is the subject to which this proof is issued, i.e. the user. "aud" is the target audience of the proof.
String: The JWT
Sudo to generated an ownership proof for.
target audience for this proof.