
interface SudoUserClient

Interface encapsulating a library of functions for calling Sudo Platform identity service, managing keys, performing cryptographic operations.



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class Builder(context: Context)

Builder used to construct SudoUserClient.

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object Companion


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abstract fun clearAuthTokens()

Clears cached authentication tokens.

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abstract suspend fun deregister()

De-registers a user.

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Deregisters an existing sign in status observer.

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abstract fun getAccessToken(): String?

Returns the access token cached from the last sign-in.

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abstract fun getCredentialsProvider(): CognitoCredentialsProvider

Returns a credentials provider that can be used for authenticating into various services provided by Sudo Platform.

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abstract fun getIdToken(): String?

Returns the ID token cached from the last sign-in.

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abstract fun getLogins(): Map<String, String>

Returns the logins to use for accessing other Sudo Platform services. You must be signed in to get logins.

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abstract fun getRefreshToken(): String?

Returns the refresh token cached from the last sign-in.

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abstract fun getRefreshTokenExpiry(): Date?

Returns the refresh token expiry cached from the last sign-in.

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abstract fun getSubject(): String?

Returns the subject of the user associated with this client. Note: This is an internal method used by other Sudo platform SDKs.

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abstract fun getTokenExpiry(): Date?

Returns the ID and access token expiry cached from the last sign-in.

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abstract fun getUserClaim(name: String): Any?

Returns the specified claim associated with the user's identity.

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abstract fun getUserName(): String?

Returns the user name associated with this client. The username maybe needed to contact the support team when diagnosing an issue related to a specific user.

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abstract suspend fun globalSignOut()

Signs out the user from all devices.

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abstract fun isRegistered(): Boolean

Indicates whether or not this client is registered with Sudo Platform backend.

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abstract fun isSignedIn(): Boolean

Indicates whether or not this client is signed in with Sudo Platform backend. The client is considered signed in if it cached valid ID and access tokens.

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abstract fun presentFederatedSignInUI(activity: Activity, callback: (SignInResult) -> Unit)

Presents the sign in UI for federated sign in using an external identity provider.

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abstract fun presentFederatedSignOutUI(callback: (ApiResult) -> Unit)

Presents the sign out UI for federated sign in using an external identity provider.

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abstract fun processFederatedSignInTokens(data: Uri, callback: (FederatedSignInResult) -> Unit)

Processes tokens from federated sign in via Android intent data pointed to by the specified URL. The tokens are passed to the app via a redirect URL with custom scheme mapped to the app.

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abstract suspend fun refreshTokens(refreshToken: String): AuthenticationTokens

Refresh the access and ID tokens using the refresh token.

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Registers an observer for sign in status changes.

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abstract suspend fun registerWithAuthenticationProvider(authenticationProvider: AuthenticationProvider, registrationId: String?): String

Registers this client against the backend with an external authentication provider. Caller must implement AuthenticationProvider protocol to return appropriate authentication token required to authorize the registration request.

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abstract suspend fun registerWithGooglePlayIntegrity(packageName: String, deviceId: String, token: String, registrationId: String?): String

Registers this client against the backend with a Google Play Integrity token.

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abstract fun reset()

Removes all keys associated with this client and invalidates any cached authentication credentials.

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abstract suspend fun resetUserData()

Removes all data owned by the signed-in user from Sudo Platform Services without deregistering the user. Should only be used in tests.

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abstract fun setUserName(name: String)

Sets the user name associated with this client.

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Sign into the backend with an external authentication provider. Caller must implement AuthenticationProvider protocol to return the appropriate authentication token associated with the external identity registered with registerWithAuthenticationProvider.

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abstract suspend fun signInWithKey(): AuthenticationTokens

Sign into the backend using a private key. The client must have created a private/public key pair via one of the register methods.

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abstract suspend fun signOut()

Signs out the user from this device only.


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abstract val version: String

Checksum's for each file are generated and are used to create a checksum that is used when publishing to maven central. In order to retry a failed publish without needing to change any functionality, we need a way to generate a different checksum for the source code. We can change the value of this property which will generate a different checksum for publishing and allow us to retry. The value of version doesn't need to be kept up-to-date with the version of the code.