Package-level declarations
Encapsulates an authentication information.
Encapsulates an authentication provider responsible to generating authentication information required to sign into the backend.
Encapsulates the authentication tokens obtained from a successful authentication.
AuthUI implementation that uses Cognito Auth UI.
Default logger.
Default implementation of SudoUserClient interface.
Encapsulates a federated sign-in result.
Encapsulates interface requirements for an external identity provider to register and authenticate an identity within Sudo platform ecosystem.
Default ID generator implementation.
Interface for generating universally unique identifiers (UUIDs).
Encapsulates a JSON Web Token.
Authentication info consisting of a JWT signed using the locally stored private key.
Authentication provider for generating authentication info using a locally stored private key.
Generates a password complying to a specific set of rules.
Default password generator implementation.
Encapsulates a registration result.
Encapsulates a sign-in result.
List of possible values for sign in status.
Protocol for sign in status observer. If you wish to observe the the changes to the progress of sign in or refresh token operation then you must implement this protocol.
Interface encapsulating a library of functions for calling Sudo Platform identity service, managing keys, performing cryptographic operations.
Authentication info consisting of a JWT signed using the TEST registration key.
Authentication provider for generating authentication info using a TEST registration key.