Sudo Platform Virtual Cards client API

All methods should be expected to be able to throw the following errors defined in @sudoplatform/sudo-common:


NotSignedInError User not signed in. Sign in before performing the operation.


AccountLockedError Account has been locked. Contact support.


ServiceError Transient error at the service. Try the operation again




  • Create key pair and secret key for use by the Virtual Cards Client if they have not already been created.

    The key pair is used to register a public key with the service for the encryption of virtual card and transaction details.

    The secret key is used for client side encryption of user specific card metadata.

    Returns Promise<CreateKeysIfAbsentResult>

  • Export the cryptographic keys to a key archive.

    Returns Promise<ArrayBuffer>

    Key archive data.

  • Imports cryptographic keys from a key archive.


    • archiveData: ArrayBuffer

      Key archive data to import the keys from.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Get a list of all created funding sources for the signed in user.


    Returns Promise<ListOutput<FundingSource>>

    An array of funding sources or an empty array if no matching funding sources can be found.

  • Removes any cached data maintained by this client.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Request a review of an unfunded funding source, identified by id. Note that reviewing a funding source which is not unfunded will be a no-op but is not an error.


    • id: string

      The identifier of the funding source to review.

    Returns Promise<FundingSource>

    The funding source that was reviewed.


    FundingSourceNotFoundError No funding source matching the specified ID could be found.

  • Sandbox API to obtain data normally returned by full Plaid Link flow. Useful for testing ahead of full Plaid Link integration during application development.


    Returns Promise<SandboxPlaidData>

    Sandbox Plaid data for provisioning new funding source at requested institution and user

  • Initiate provisioning of a new funding source.


    Returns Promise<ProvisionalFundingSource>

    The provisional funding source.


    InsufficientEntitlementsError User has insufficient entitlements to setup a new funding source.


    VelocityExceededError Configured maximum rate of attempts to add a funding source has been exceeded or too many failed attempts have recently been made. Wait before retrying.

  • Subscribe to changes to funding sources


    • id: string

      unique identifier to differentiate subscriptions; note that specifying a duplicate subscription id will replace the previous subscription.

    • subscriber: FundingSourceChangeSubscriber

      implementation of callback to be invoked when funding source change occurs

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Unsubscribe from changes to funding sources


    • id: string

      unique identifier to differentiate subscription

    Returns void