
data class ConfigurationData(val deleteEmailMessagesLimit: Int, val updateEmailMessagesLimit: Int, val emailMessageMaxInboundMessageSize: Int, val emailMessageMaxOutboundMessageSize: Int, val emailMessageRecipientsLimit: Int, val encryptedEmailMessageRecipientsLimit: Int) : Parcelable

Representation of the email service configuration data used in the Sudo Platform Email SDK.


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constructor(deleteEmailMessagesLimit: Int, updateEmailMessagesLimit: Int, emailMessageMaxInboundMessageSize: Int, emailMessageMaxOutboundMessageSize: Int, emailMessageRecipientsLimit: Int, encryptedEmailMessageRecipientsLimit: Int)


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Int The number of email messages that can be deleted at a time.

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Int The maximum allowed size of an inbound email message.

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Int The maximum allowed size of an outbound email message.

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Int The maximum number of recipients for an out-of-network email message.

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Int The maximum number of recipients for an in-network encrypted email message.

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Int The number of email messages that can be updated at a time.


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)