Package-level declarations

Types used by the methods of the Sudo Platform Email SDK.


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data class BatchOperationResult<S, F>(val status: BatchOperationStatus, var successValues: List<S>? = null, val failureValues: List<F>? = null)

Result type of an API that performs a batch operation.

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data class BlockedAddress(val createdAt: Date, val hashedBlockedValue: String, val hashAlgorithm: BlockedAddressHashAlgorithm, val owner: String, val owners: List<Owner>, val sealedValue: String, val updatedAt: Date) : Parcelable

Representation of a blocked email address used in the Sudo Platform Email SDK

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Enumeration outlining options for how data will be fetched.

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data class ConfigurationData(val deleteEmailMessagesLimit: Int, val updateEmailMessagesLimit: Int, val emailMessageMaxInboundMessageSize: Int, val emailMessageMaxOutboundMessageSize: Int, val emailMessageRecipientsLimit: Int, val encryptedEmailMessageRecipientsLimit: Int) : Parcelable

Representation of the email service configuration data used in the Sudo Platform Email SDK.

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data class DateRange(val startDate: Date, val endDate: Date)

Representation of a date range used in the Sudo Platform Email SDK.

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Representation of the result of a successful email message delete operation in the Sudo Platform Email SDK.

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Representation of an enumeration depicting the direction of an email message in the Sudo Platform Email SDK.

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data class DraftEmailMessageMetadata(val id: String, val emailAddressId: String, val updatedAt: Date) : Parcelable, DraftEmailMessage

Representation of the metadata of a draft email message in the Sudo Platform Email SDK.

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data class DraftEmailMessageWithContent(val id: String, val emailAddressId: String, val updatedAt: Date, val rfc822Data: ByteArray) : Parcelable, DraftEmailMessage

Representation of a draft email message in the Sudo Platform Email SDK.

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data class EmailAddress(val id: String, val owner: String, val owners: List<Owner>, val emailAddress: String, val size: Double, val numberOfEmailMessages: Int, val version: Int, val createdAt: Date, val updatedAt: Date, val lastReceivedAt: Date? = null, val alias: String? = null, val folders: List<EmailFolder>) : Parcelable

Representation of an email address used in the Sudo Platform Email SDK.

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data class EmailAddressPublicInfo(val emailAddress: String, val keyId: String, val publicKey: String) : Parcelable

Representation of public information for an email address in the Sudo Platform Email SDK.

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data class EmailAttachment(val fileName: String, val contentId: String, val mimeType: String, val inlineAttachment: Boolean, val data: ByteArray) : Parcelable

Representation of an email attachment used in the Sudo Platform Email SDK.

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data class EmailFolder(val id: String, val owner: String, val owners: List<Owner>, val emailAddressId: String, val folderName: String, val size: Double, val unseenCount: Int, val version: Int, val createdAt: Date, val updatedAt: Date, val customFolderName: String? = null) : Parcelable

Representation of an email folder used in the Sudo Platform Email SDK.

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data class EmailMessage(val id: String, val clientRefId: String? = null, val owner: String, val owners: List<Owner>, val emailAddressId: String, val folderId: String, val previousFolderId: String? = null, val seen: Boolean = false, val repliedTo: Boolean = false, val forwarded: Boolean = false, val direction: Direction, val state: State, val version: Int, val sortDate: Date, val createdAt: Date, val updatedAt: Date, val size: Double, val from: List<EmailMessage.EmailAddress>, val to: List<EmailMessage.EmailAddress>, val cc: List<EmailMessage.EmailAddress> = emptyList(), val bcc: List<EmailMessage.EmailAddress> = emptyList(), val replyTo: List<EmailMessage.EmailAddress> = emptyList(), val subject: String? = null, val sentAt: Date? = null, val receivedAt: Date? = null, val hasAttachments: Boolean, val encryptionStatus: EncryptionStatus, val date: Date? = null) : Parcelable

Representation of an email message used in the Sudo Platform Email SDK.

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data class EmailMessageDateRange(val sortDate: DateRange? = null, val updatedAt: DateRange? = null)

Representation of an email message date range used in the Sudo Platform Email SDK.

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data class EmailMessageOperationFailureResult(val id: String, val errorType: String)

Representation of the result of an unsuccessful operation on an email message in the Sudo Platform Email SDK.

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data class EmailMessageReceivedNotification(val id: String, val owner: String, val sudoId: String, val emailAddressId: String, val folderId: String, val from: EmailMessage.EmailAddress, val replyTo: EmailMessage.EmailAddress?, val subject: String? = null, val sentAt: Date, val receivedAt: Date, val encryptionStatus: EncryptionStatus, val hasAttachments: Boolean) : Parcelable

Representation of a messageReceived Email Service notification.

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data class EmailMessageRfc822Data(val id: String, val rfc822Data: ByteArray) : Parcelable

Representation of an email message's RFC 822 data used in the Sudo Platform Email SDK.

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data class EmailMessageWithBody(val id: String, val body: String, val isHtml: Boolean, val attachments: List<EmailAttachment>, val inlineAttachments: List<EmailAttachment>) : Parcelable

Representation of an email message's RFC 822 data used in the Sudo Platform Email SDK.

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@Serializable(with = EncryptionStatusSerializer::class)
enum EncryptionStatus : Enum<EncryptionStatus>

An enumeration depicting the encryption status on an email message in the Sudo Platform Email SDK.

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Representation of the email headers formatted under the RFC-6854 (supersedes RFC 822). ( standard. Some further rules (beyond RFC 6854) must also be applied to the data:

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sealed class ListAPIResult<out T, out P>

Result type of an API that returns a list. Supports partial results.

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data class ListOutput<T>(val items: List<T>, val nextToken: String?)

Representation of a generic type to wrap around a GraphQL list type. This is useful for exposing a list of items and nextToken to allow for pagination by calling for the next set of paginated results.

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data class Owner(val id: String, val issuer: String) : Parcelable

This represents the relationship of a unique identifier id with the issuer.

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data class PartialEmailAddress(val id: String, val owner: String, val owners: List<Owner>, val emailAddress: String, val size: Double, val numberOfEmailMessages: Int, val version: Int, val createdAt: Date, val updatedAt: Date, val lastReceivedAt: Date? = null, val folders: List<EmailFolder>) : Parcelable

Representation of an email address without its unsealed attributes used in the Sudo Platform Email SDK.

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data class PartialEmailMessage(val id: String, val clientRefId: String? = null, val owner: String, val owners: List<Owner>, val emailAddressId: String, val folderId: String, val previousFolderId: String? = null, val seen: Boolean = false, val repliedTo: Boolean = false, val forwarded: Boolean = false, val direction: Direction, val state: State, val version: Int, val sortDate: Date, val createdAt: Date, val updatedAt: Date, val size: Double, val encryptionStatus: EncryptionStatus, val date: Date? = null) : Parcelable

Representation of an email message without its unsealed attributes used in the Sudo Platform Email SDK.

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data class PartialResult<P>(val partial: P, val cause: Exception)

Represents a single partial result.

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data class SendEmailMessageResult(val id: String, val createdAt: Date)

A result type for an email message send operation.

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An enumeration depicting sort order in the Sudo Platform Email SDK.

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enum State : Enum<State>

Representation of an enumeration depicting the current state of an email message in the Sudo Platform Email SDK.

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Representation of an enumeration depicting a list of supported key encryption algorithms.

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data class UnsealedBlockedAddress(val hashedBlockedValue: String, val address: String, val status: UnsealedBlockedAddressStatus)

The Sudo Platform SDK representation of an unsealed blocked address

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The Sudo Platform SDK representation of the status of the retrieval of a particular blocked address

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Representation of the result of an update to an email message in the Sudo Platform Email SDK.