
data class EmailMessageWithBody(val id: String, val body: String, val isHtml: Boolean, val attachments: List<EmailAttachment>, val inlineAttachments: List<EmailAttachment>) : Parcelable

Representation of an email message's RFC 822 data used in the Sudo Platform Email SDK.


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constructor(id: String, body: String, isHtml: Boolean, attachments: List<EmailAttachment>, inlineAttachments: List<EmailAttachment>)


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List A list of email message attachments.

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String The email message body.

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val id: String

String Unique identifier of the email message.

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List A list of email message inline attachments.

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Boolean Flag indicating whether the body is formatted as HTML.


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)