
data class PartialEmailMessage(val id: String, val clientRefId: String? = null, val owner: String, val owners: List<Owner>, val emailAddressId: String, val folderId: String, val previousFolderId: String? = null, val seen: Boolean = false, val repliedTo: Boolean = false, val forwarded: Boolean = false, val direction: Direction, val state: State, val version: Int, val sortDate: Date, val createdAt: Date, val updatedAt: Date, val size: Double, val encryptionStatus: EncryptionStatus, val date: Date? = null) : Parcelable

Representation of an email message without its unsealed attributes used in the Sudo Platform Email SDK.


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constructor(id: String, clientRefId: String? = null, owner: String, owners: List<Owner>, emailAddressId: String, folderId: String, previousFolderId: String? = null, seen: Boolean = false, repliedTo: Boolean = false, forwarded: Boolean = false, direction: Direction, state: State, version: Int, sortDate: Date, createdAt: Date, updatedAt: Date, size: Double, encryptionStatus: EncryptionStatus, date: Date? = null)


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data class EmailAddress(val emailAddress: String, val displayName: String? = "") : Parcelable

A representation of an email address as used in a PartialEmailMessage.


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val clientRefId: String? = null

String Unique client reference identifier.

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Date When the email message was created.

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val date: Date? = null
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Direction Direction of the email message.

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String Identifier of the email address that is associated with the email message - which address sent/received this message.

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String Unique identifier of the email folder which the message is assigned to.

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val forwarded: Boolean = false

Boolean True if the email message has been forwarded.

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val id: String

String Unique identifier of the email message.

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String Identifier of the user that owns the email message.

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List List of identifiers of the user/sudo associated with this email message.

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String Unique identifier of the previous email folder which the message was assigned to, if any.

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val repliedTo: Boolean = false

Boolean True if the email message has been replied to.

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val seen: Boolean = false

Boolean True if the user has previously seen the email message.

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Double The size of the encrypted RFC822 data stored in the backend in bytes. This value is used to calculate the total storage used by an email address or user and is used to enforce email storage related entitlements.

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Date When the email message was processed by the service.

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State Current state of the email message.

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Date When the email message was last updated.

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Int Current version of the email message.


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)