
data class EmailFolder(val id: String, val owner: String, val owners: List<Owner>, val emailAddressId: String, val folderName: String, val size: Double, val unseenCount: Int, val version: Int, val createdAt: Date, val updatedAt: Date, val customFolderName: String? = null) : Parcelable

Representation of an email folder used in the Sudo Platform Email SDK.


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constructor(id: String, owner: String, owners: List<Owner>, emailAddressId: String, folderName: String, size: Double, unseenCount: Int, version: Int, createdAt: Date, updatedAt: Date, customFolderName: String? = null)


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Date When the email folder was created.

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String Custom name assigned to the email folder.

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String Identifier of the email address associated with the email folder.

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String Name assigned to the email folder (i.e. INBOX, SENT, TRASH, OUTBOX).

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val id: String

String Unique identifier of the email folder.

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String Identifier of the user that owns the email folder.

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List List of identifiers of the user/accounts associated with this email folder.

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Double The total size of all email messages assigned to the email folder in bytes.

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Int The total count of unseen email messages assigned to the email folder.

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Date When the email folder was last updated.

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Int Current version of the email folder.


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)