
@SerialName(value = "fundingSourceChanged")
class FundingSourceChangedNotification(val type: String, val owner: String, val fundingSourceId: String, val fundingSourceType: FundingSourceType, val last4: String, val state: FundingSourceState, val flags: List<FundingSourceFlags>, val updatedAtEpochMs: Long) : FundingSourceNotification

A fundingSourceChanged Virtual Cards Service notification


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constructor(type: String, owner: String, fundingSourceId: String, fundingSourceType: FundingSourceType, last4: String, state: FundingSourceState, flags: List<FundingSourceFlags>, updatedAtEpochMs: Long)


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List List of flags associated with the funding source.

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open override val fundingSourceId: String

String Identifier of funding source to which this notification pertains.

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FundingSourceType Type of funding source to which this notification pertains.

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open override val last4: String

String last4 digits of the funding source to enable users to distinguish.

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open override val owner: String

String Subject identifier of user to whom the notification is addressed.

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FundingSourceState New state of the funding source.

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open override val type: String

String Type of notification. Always FundingSourceChangedNotification.TYPE

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Long When the funding source update occurred.