
data class Transaction(val id: String, val owner: String, val version: Int, val createdAt: Date, val updatedAt: Date, val transactedAt: Date, val settledAt: Date? = null, val cardId: String, val sequenceId: String, val type: TransactionType, val billedAmount: CurrencyAmount, val transactedAmount: CurrencyAmount, val description: String, val declineReason: DeclineReason? = null, val details: List<TransactionDetailCharge> = emptyList()) : Parcelable

Representation of a Virtual Card Transaction used in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.


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constructor(id: String, owner: String, version: Int, createdAt: Date, updatedAt: Date, transactedAt: Date, settledAt: Date? = null, cardId: String, sequenceId: String, type: TransactionType, billedAmount: CurrencyAmount, transactedAmount: CurrencyAmount, description: String, declineReason: DeclineReason? = null, details: List<TransactionDetailCharge> = emptyList())


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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CurrencyAmount The amount billed for the transaction in the currency of the virtual card.

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String Unique identifier of the VirtualCard associated with the transaction.

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Date Date when the transaction was created.

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DeclineReason Reason that the transaction was declined, null if the transaction was not declined.

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String The description of the transaction.

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List The details of how the transaction was charged.

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val id: String

String Identifier of the transaction.

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String Identifier of the user that owns the transaction.

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String Identifier of the sequence of related transaction.

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val settledAt: Date? = null

Date Date when the transaction was completed.

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CurrencyAmount The amount of the transaction as charged by the merchant.

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Date Date when the transaction occurred at the merchant.

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TransactionType The type of the transaction.

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Date Date when the transaction was last updated.

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Int Current version of the transaction.