Package-level declarations

Types used by the methods of the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.


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data class AuthorizationText(val language: String, val content: String, val contentType: String, val hash: String, val hashAlgorithm: String) : Parcelable

Representation of text of an authorization to be presented to and agreed to by the user when adding a bank account funding source. The AuthorizationText presented must be submitted as part of the completion data on calling SudoVirtualCardsClient.completeFundingSource.

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data class BankAccountFundingSource(val id: String, val owner: String, val version: Int, val createdAt: Date, val updatedAt: Date, val state: FundingSourceState, val flags: List<FundingSourceFlags>, val currency: String, val transactionVelocity: TransactionVelocity? = null, val type: FundingSourceType = FundingSourceType.BANK_ACCOUNT, val bankAccountType: BankAccountFundingSource.BankAccountType, val last4: String, val institutionName: String, val institutionLogo: InstitutionLogo?, val unfundedAmount: CurrencyAmount?) : FundingSource

Representation of a bank account funding source used in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.

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abstract class BaseFundingSource

Representation of the common attributes of a funding source used in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.

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data class BaseProvisioningData(val provider: String = ProviderDefaults.checkoutProvider, val version: Int, val type: FundingSourceType) : ProviderProvisioningData, Parcelable

Representation of a based provisioning data type used to provision a checkout funding source. The client must be robust to receiving a ProvisioningData it does not expect.

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data class BaseUserInteractionData(val provider: String = ProviderDefaults.checkoutProvider, val version: Int, val type: FundingSourceType) : ProviderUserInteractionData

Representation of a based user interaction data type used to provision a checkout funding source. The client must be robust to receiving a UserInteractionData it does not expect.

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data class BillingAddress(val addressLine1: String, val addressLine2: String? = null, val city: String, val state: String, val postalCode: String, val country: String) : Parcelable

The representation of the legal residence of a cardholder for purposes of billing in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.

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Representation of an enumeration depicting the state that the VirtualCard is in, in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.

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Representation of an enumeration depicting the type of CreditCardFundingSource, in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.

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Representation of an enumeration depicting the state of a transaction's charge detail in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.

data class CheckoutBankAccountProviderCompletionData(val provider: String = ProviderDefaults.checkoutProvider, val version: Int = ProviderDefaults.version, val type: FundingSourceType = FundingSourceType.BANK_ACCOUNT, val publicToken: String, val accountId: String, val institutionId: String, val authorizationText: AuthorizationText) : ProviderCompletionData

Representation of CheckoutBankAccountProviderCompletionData sent to the provider and used to complete the funding source creation.

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data class CheckoutBankAccountProviderRefreshData(val provider: String = ProviderDefaults.checkoutProvider, val version: Int = ProviderDefaults.version, val type: FundingSourceType = FundingSourceType.BANK_ACCOUNT, val accountId: String? = null, val authorizationText: AuthorizationText? = null) : ProviderRefreshData

Representation of CheckoutBankAccountProviderRefreshData sent to the provider and used to initiate or complete the funding source refresh.

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data class CheckoutBankAccountProvisioningData(val provider: String = ProviderDefaults.checkoutProvider, val version: Int = ProviderDefaults.version, val type: FundingSourceType = FundingSourceType.BANK_ACCOUNT, val linkToken: LinkToken, val authorizationText: List<AuthorizationText>) : ProviderProvisioningData

Representation of CheckoutBankAccountProvisioningData used to provision a checkout bank account funding source.

data class CheckoutBankAccountRefreshUserInteractionData(val provider: String = ProviderDefaults.checkoutProvider, val version: Int = ProviderDefaults.version, val type: FundingSourceType = FundingSourceType.BANK_ACCOUNT, val linkToken: LinkToken, val authorizationText: List<AuthorizationText>) : ProviderUserInteractionData

Returned when user interaction is required during the funding source refresh operation for bank account funding sources.

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data class CheckoutCardProviderCompletionData(val provider: String = ProviderDefaults.checkoutProvider, val version: Int = ProviderDefaults.version, val type: FundingSourceType = FundingSourceType.CREDIT_CARD, val paymentToken: String?) : ProviderCompletionData

Representation of CheckoutCardProviderCompletionData sent to the provider and used to complete the funding source creation.

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data class CheckoutCardProvisioningData(val provider: String = ProviderDefaults.checkoutProvider, val version: Int = ProviderDefaults.version, val type: FundingSourceType = FundingSourceType.CREDIT_CARD) : ProviderProvisioningData

Representation of CheckoutCardProvisioningData used to provision a checkout card funding source.

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data class CheckoutCardUserInteractionData(val provider: String = ProviderDefaults.checkoutProvider, val version: Int = ProviderDefaults.version, val type: FundingSourceType = FundingSourceType.CREDIT_CARD, val redirectUrl: String) : ProviderUserInteractionData

Returned when user interaction is required during the funding source setup operation for card funding sources

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data class CheckoutPricingPolicy(val creditCard: Map<String, TieredMarkupPolicy>, val bankAccount: Map<String, TieredMarkupPolicy>) : Parcelable
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data class ClientApplicationConfiguration(val fundingSourceProviders: FundingSourceProviders) : Parcelable

The client application configuration containing information associated with Android client applications.

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data class ClientApplicationData(val applicationName: String)

Client application data required by providers for funding source setup and refresh operations.

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data class CreateKeysIfAbsentResult(val symmetricKey: KeyResult, val keyPair: KeyResult)

The result of the create keys if absent API.

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data class CreditCardFundingSource(val id: String, val owner: String, val version: Int, val createdAt: Date, val updatedAt: Date, val state: FundingSourceState, val flags: List<FundingSourceFlags>, val currency: String, val transactionVelocity: TransactionVelocity? = null, val type: FundingSourceType = FundingSourceType.CREDIT_CARD, val last4: String, val network: CreditCardFundingSource.CreditCardNetwork, val cardType: CardType) : FundingSource

Representation of a credit card funding source used in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.

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data class CurrencyAmount(val currency: String, val amount: Int) : Parcelable

The representation of the currency and amount used in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.

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data class CurrencyVelocity(val currency: String, val velocity: List<String>) : Parcelable
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data class DateRange(val startDate: Date, val endDate: Date)

Representation of a date range used in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.

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Representation of an enumeration depicting why a Transaction was declined in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.

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data class Expiry(val mm: String, val yyyy: String) : Parcelable

The representation of expiry information for a virtual card in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.

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data class FundingSourceClientConfiguration(val type: String = ProviderDefaults.configurationType, val fundingSourceType: FundingSourceType, val version: Int = ProviderDefaults.version, val apiKey: String) : Parcelable

A representation of the funding source client configuration in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.

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Representation of an enumeration depicting the possible funding source flags in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.

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The funding source provider configuration.

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Representation of an enumeration depicting the funding source state in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.

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data class FundingSourceSupportDetail(val cardType: CardType) : Parcelable
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data class FundingSourceSupportInfo(val providerType: String, val fundingSourceType: String, val network: String, val detail: List<FundingSourceSupportDetail>) : Parcelable
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Representation of an enumeration depicting the funding source type in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.

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Representation of a FundingSourceType configuration.

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data class InstitutionLogo(val type: String, val data: String) : Parcelable

Representation of a financial institution's logo.

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sealed class JsonValue<out T>

A representation of a JsonValue type used to represent data that can pertain to multiple primitive types.

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data class KeyResult(val created: Boolean, val keyId: String)

The result containing information about whether the key was created and its identifier.

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data class LinkToken(val linkToken: String, val expiration: String, val requestId: String) : Parcelable

Representation of a LinkToken containing information required to setup the bank account funding source creation.

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sealed class ListAPIResult<out T, out P>

Result type of an API that returns a list. Supports partial results.

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data class ListOutput<T>(val items: List<T>, val nextToken: String?)

Representation of a generic type to wrap around a GraphQL list type. This is useful for exposing a list of items and nextToken to allow for pagination by calling for the next set of paginated results.

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data class Markup(val percent: Int, val flat: Int, val minCharge: Int? = null) : Parcelable

The rates of markup applied to a Transaction when calculating the fees.

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data class Owner(val id: String, val issuer: String) : Parcelable

This represents the relationship of a unique identifier id with the issuer to a VirtualCard.

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data class PartialResult<P>(val partial: P, val cause: Exception)

Represents a single partial result.

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data class PartialTransaction(val id: String, val owner: String, val version: Int, val createdAt: Date, val updatedAt: Date, val cardId: String, val sequenceId: String, val type: TransactionType) : Parcelable

Representation of a Virtual Card Transaction without its unsealed attributes used in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.

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data class PartialVirtualCard(val id: String, val owner: String, val version: Int, val createdAt: Date, val updatedAt: Date, val owners: List<Owner>, val fundingSourceId: String, val currency: String, val state: CardState, val activeTo: Date, val cancelledAt: Date? = null, val last4: String) : Parcelable

Representation of a Virtual Card without its unsealed attributes used in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.

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Data describing a sandbox Plaid account returned by the sandboxGetPlaidData method.

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data class PlaidApplicationConfiguration(val clientName: String, val androidPackageName: String) : Parcelable

Plaid specific application configuration to support funding source creation.

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data class PricingPolicy(val stripe: StripePricingPolicy? = null, val checkout: CheckoutPricingPolicy? = null) : Parcelable

Representation of the PricingPolicy for each funding source provider which make up a component of the virtual cards configuration.

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abstract class ProviderCommonData

Representation of ProviderCommonData which provides common data for all funding source provider based data.

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data class ProvisionalFundingSource(val id: String, val owner: String, val version: Int, val createdAt: Date, val updatedAt: Date, val type: FundingSourceType, val state: ProvisionalFundingSource.ProvisioningState, val last4: String, val provisioningData: ProviderProvisioningData) : Parcelable

A representation of a funding source that is in the process of being created in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.

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data class ProvisionalVirtualCard(val id: String, val owner: String, val version: Int, val createdAt: Date, val updatedAt: Date, val clientRefId: String, val provisioningState: ProvisionalVirtualCard.ProvisioningState, val card: VirtualCard? = null) : Parcelable

A representation of a virtual card that is in the process of being provisioned in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.

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Backward compatible ProvisioningData - represents stripe

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data class SandboxPlaidData(val accountMetadata: List<PlaidAccountMetadata>, val publicToken: String)

Sandbox data for a specific Plaid sandbox user's accounts for inclusion in completion data when calling completeFundingSource to test bank account funding source creation without full integration of Plaid Link.

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sealed class SingleAPIResult<out T, out P>

Result type of a singular return type from an API that can return a partial result.

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An enumeration depicting sort order in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.

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data class StripeCardProviderCompletionData(val provider: String = ProviderDefaults.stripeProvider, val version: Int = ProviderDefaults.version, val paymentMethod: String, val type: FundingSourceType = FundingSourceType.CREDIT_CARD) : ProviderCompletionData

Representation of StripeCardProviderCompletionData sent to the provider and used to complete the funding source creation.

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data class StripeCardProvisioningData(val provider: String = ProviderDefaults.stripeProvider, val version: Int, val intent: String, val clientSecret: String, val type: FundingSourceType = FundingSourceType.CREDIT_CARD) : ProviderProvisioningData

Representation of StripeCardProvisioningData used to provision a stripe funding source.

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Representation of an enumeration depicting a list of supported key encryption algorithms.

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data class TieredMarkup(val markup: Markup, val minThreshold: Int? = null) : Parcelable
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data class Transaction(val id: String, val owner: String, val version: Int, val createdAt: Date, val updatedAt: Date, val transactedAt: Date, val settledAt: Date? = null, val cardId: String, val sequenceId: String, val type: TransactionType, val billedAmount: CurrencyAmount, val transactedAmount: CurrencyAmount, val description: String, val declineReason: DeclineReason? = null, val details: List<TransactionDetailCharge> = emptyList()) : Parcelable

Representation of a Virtual Card Transaction used in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.

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data class TransactionDetailCharge(val virtualCardAmount: CurrencyAmount, val markup: Markup, val markupAmount: CurrencyAmount, val fundingSourceAmount: CurrencyAmount, val fundingSourceId: String, val description: String, val state: ChargeDetailState) : Parcelable

The details of how a Transaction is charged against a VirtualCard and FundingSource as well as the amount of markup that was applied to the Transaction.

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Representation of an enumeration depicting the type of Transaction in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.

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data class TransactionVelocity(val maximum: Int? = null, val velocity: List<String>? = null) : Parcelable

The representation of virtual card transaction velocity constraints in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.

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data class VirtualCard(val id: String, val owner: String, val version: Int, val createdAt: Date, val updatedAt: Date, val owners: List<Owner>, val fundingSourceId: String, val currency: String, val state: CardState, val activeTo: Date, val cancelledAt: Date? = null, val cardHolder: String, val last4: String, val cardNumber: String, val securityCode: String, val alias: String?, val metadata: JsonValue<Any>? = null, val billingAddress: BillingAddress? = null, val expiry: Expiry, val lastTransaction: Transaction? = null) : Parcelable

Representation of a Virtual Card used in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.

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data class VirtualCardsConfig(val maxFundingSourceVelocity: List<String>, val maxFundingSourceFailureVelocity: List<String>, val maxFundingSourcePendingVelocity: List<String>, val maxCardCreationVelocity: List<String>, val maxTransactionVelocity: List<CurrencyVelocity>, val maxTransactionAmount: List<CurrencyAmount>, val virtualCardCurrencies: List<String>, val fundingSourceSupportInfo: List<FundingSourceSupportInfo>, val bankAccountFundingSourceExpendableEnabled: Boolean, val bankAccountFundingSourceCreationEnabled: Boolean?, val fundingSourceClientConfiguration: List<FundingSourceClientConfiguration>, val clientApplicationConfiguration: Map<String, ClientApplicationConfiguration>, val pricingPolicy: PricingPolicy?) : Parcelable

Representation of a Virtual Card's configuration used in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.

data class VirtualCardsFundingSourceChangedNotification(val id: String, val owner: String, val type: FundingSourceType, val last4: String, val state: FundingSourceState, val flags: List<FundingSourceFlags>, val updatedAt: Date) : Parcelable

Representation of a fundingSourceChanged Virtual Cards Service notification.