Package-level declarations

Types used by the methods of the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK an inputs.


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data class CompleteFundingSourceInput(val id: String, val completionData: ProviderCompletionData, val updateCardFundingSource: Boolean? = null)

Input object containing the information required to complete the creation of a funding source.

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data class CreditCardFundingSourceInput(val cardNumber: String, val expirationMonth: Int, val expirationYear: Int, val securityCode: String, val addressLine1: String, val addressLine2: String? = null, val city: String, val state: String, val postalCode: String, val country: String, val name: String? = null)

Input object containing the information required to create a credit card funding source.

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data class IdFilterInput(val ne: String? = null, val eq: String? = null, val le: String? = null, val lt: String? = null, val ge: String? = null, val gt: String? = null, val contains: String? = null, val notContains: String? = null, val between: ArrayList<String>? = null, val beginsWith: String? = null)

Input object containing the information required to filter by id.

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Input object containing the information required to filter a provisional funding source list.

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Input object containing the information required to filter by provisional funding source state.

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data class ProvisionVirtualCardInput(val clientRefId: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), val ownershipProofs: List<String>, val fundingSourceId: String, val cardHolder: String, val alias: String? = null, val metadata: JsonValue<Any>? = null, val billingAddress: BillingAddress? = null, val currency: String)

Input object containing the information required to provision a virtual card.

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data class RefreshFundingSourceInput(val id: String, val refreshData: ProviderRefreshData, val applicationData: ClientApplicationData, val language: String? = null)

Input object containing the information required to complete the refresh of a funding source.

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data class SetupFundingSourceInput(val currency: String, val type: FundingSourceType, val applicationData: ClientApplicationData, val supportedProviders: List<String>? = null, val language: String? = null)

Input object containing the information required to setup a funding source.

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data class UpdateVirtualCardInput(val id: String, val expectedCardVersion: Int? = null, val cardHolder: String, val alias: String? = null, val metadata: JsonValue<Any>? = null, val billingAddress: BillingAddress? = null)

Input object containing the information required to update a virtual card.