
data class ProvisionVirtualCardInput(val clientRefId: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), val ownershipProofs: List<String>, val fundingSourceId: String, val cardHolder: String, val alias: String? = null, val metadata: JsonValue<Any>? = null, val billingAddress: BillingAddress? = null, val currency: String)

Input object containing the information required to provision a virtual card.


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constructor(clientRefId: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), ownershipProofs: List<String>, fundingSourceId: String, cardHolder: String, alias: String? = null, metadata: JsonValue<Any>? = null, addressLine1: String, addressLine2: String? = null, city: String, state: String, postalCode: String, country: String, currency: String)
constructor(clientRefId: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), ownershipProofs: List<String>, fundingSourceId: String, cardHolder: String, alias: String? = null, metadata: JsonValue<Any>? = null, billingAddress: BillingAddress? = null, currency: String)


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val alias: String? = null

String deprecated User defined name associated with the virtual card.

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BillingAddress associated with the virtual card. If not supplied, the default billing address will be used.

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String The name to appear on the virtual card.

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String A reference identifier generated by the caller.

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String The ISO 4217 currency code.

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String Identifier of the associated funding source used to fund the provisioned virtual card.

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val metadata: JsonValue<Any>? = null

JsonValue Custom metadata to associate with the virtual card. Can be used for values such as card aliases, card colors, image references etc. There is a limit of 3k characters when data is serialized.

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List Proof of sudo ownership for provisioning virtual cards. The ownership proof must contain an audience of "sudoplatform.virtual-cards.virtual-card".