
data class TransactionDetailCharge(val virtualCardAmount: CurrencyAmount, val markup: Markup, val markupAmount: CurrencyAmount, val fundingSourceAmount: CurrencyAmount, val fundingSourceId: String, val description: String, val state: ChargeDetailState) : Parcelable

The details of how a Transaction is charged against a VirtualCard and FundingSource as well as the amount of markup that was applied to the Transaction.


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constructor(virtualCardAmount: CurrencyAmount, markup: Markup, markupAmount: CurrencyAmount, fundingSourceAmount: CurrencyAmount, fundingSourceId: String, description: String, state: ChargeDetailState)


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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String The description of this TransactionDetailCharge.

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CurrencyAmount The amount of the charge against the FundingSource.

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String The identifier of the FundingSource.

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Markup The rate(s) of markup applied to the transaction.

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CurrencyAmount The amount of markup charged to the virtual card for the Transaction.

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ChargeDetailState The current state of the transaction charge detail.

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