
data class RefreshFundingSourceInput(val id: String, val refreshData: ProviderRefreshData, val applicationData: ClientApplicationData, val language: String? = null)

Input object containing the information required to complete the refresh of a funding source.


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constructor(id: String, refreshData: ProviderRefreshData, applicationData: ClientApplicationData, language: String? = null)


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ClientApplicationData Information about the client application which maps to service-side configuration.

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val id: String

String Identifier of the provisional funding source to be completed and provisioned.

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val language: String? = null

String Some funding source types require presentation of end-user language specific agreements. This property allows the client application to specify the user's preferred language. If such presentation is required and has no translation in the requested language or no preferred language is specified, the default translation will be presented. The default is a property of service instance configuration. The value is an RFC 5646 language tag e.g. en-US.

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RefreshDataInput The refresh data used to complete the funding source refresh operation.