
data class VirtualCardsConfig(val maxFundingSourceVelocity: List<String>, val maxFundingSourceFailureVelocity: List<String>, val maxFundingSourcePendingVelocity: List<String>, val maxCardCreationVelocity: List<String>, val maxTransactionVelocity: List<CurrencyVelocity>, val maxTransactionAmount: List<CurrencyAmount>, val virtualCardCurrencies: List<String>, val fundingSourceSupportInfo: List<FundingSourceSupportInfo>, val bankAccountFundingSourceExpendableEnabled: Boolean, val bankAccountFundingSourceCreationEnabled: Boolean?, val fundingSourceClientConfiguration: List<FundingSourceClientConfiguration>, val clientApplicationConfiguration: Map<String, ClientApplicationConfiguration>, val pricingPolicy: PricingPolicy?) : Parcelable

Representation of a Virtual Card's configuration used in the Sudo Platform Virtual Cards SDK.


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constructor(maxFundingSourceVelocity: List<String>, maxFundingSourceFailureVelocity: List<String>, maxFundingSourcePendingVelocity: List<String>, maxCardCreationVelocity: List<String>, maxTransactionVelocity: List<CurrencyVelocity>, maxTransactionAmount: List<CurrencyAmount>, virtualCardCurrencies: List<String>, fundingSourceSupportInfo: List<FundingSourceSupportInfo>, bankAccountFundingSourceExpendableEnabled: Boolean, bankAccountFundingSourceCreationEnabled: Boolean?, fundingSourceClientConfiguration: List<FundingSourceClientConfiguration>, clientApplicationConfiguration: Map<String, ClientApplicationConfiguration>, pricingPolicy: PricingPolicy?)


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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Boolean Flag determining whether bank account funding source creation flows are enabled. Mainly used to test edge cases around bank account funding.

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Map The client application configuration keyed by application name.

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List The funding source client configuration.

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List Funding source support info.

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List The maximum number of virtual cards that can be created within a defined period.

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List The maximum number of failed funding source creations that can be performed within a defined period.

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List The maximum number of pending funding source creations that can be performed within a defined period.

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List The maximum number of funding sources that can be successfully created within a defined period.

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List The maximum transaction amount per currency.

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List The maximum number of transactions that can be created within a defined period.

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PricingPolicy The pricing policy for each funding source provider.

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List The list of supported virtual card currencies.